Spanish- English Dictionary         Real Estate

People wanting to buy, sell or rent property in Spain.

This Spanish-English glossary is our attempt to make buying or selling property in Spain a little bit easier.
We think we have included all the most important Spanish terms related to house-buying and their English equivalent.
This Spanish-English glossary is our attempt to make buying or selling property in Spain a little bit easier.
We think we have included all the most important Spanish terms related to house-buying and their English equivalent.
If you want to suggest a term we may have left out of thisSpanish-English real estate dictionary, send us an email.

1.- Abogado - Lawyer/solicitor (see alsoSolicitor fees in Spain)
2.- Administrador de fincas - Spanish licensed property administrator or Community Administrator
3.- Agente de la Propiedad - Property Agent or Estate Agent
4.- Amortización - Repayment of loan/mortgage, depreciation
5.- Arbitraje - Arbitration
6.- Arras - Down Payment, deposit
7.- Arrendador - Landlord
8.- Arrendatario - Tenant
9.- Aval - Loan guarantee or Bank guarantee
10.- Avalista - Guarantor (of a loan)
11.- Bungalow - 2 or 3 storey terraced house
12.- Caja de ahorros - Spanish savings banks
13.- Cargas - Charges, burden, arrears
14.- Catastro - Spanish Land Register
15.- Cláusula - Clause or conditions in a contract
16.- Cláusula abusiva - Unfair/ abusive clause in a contract usually to the detriment of the consumer
17.- Cédula de habitabilidad - Certificate of occupancy
18.- Certificado registral - Certificate informing about debts of a specific property
19.- Chalet - Villa
20.- Compra sobre plano - Off-plan property purchase
21.- Comunidad de propietarios - Association/Community of property owners
22.- Contrato de arrendamiento - Letting/renting contract
23.- Contrato de compraventa de vivienda - Private property sales contract
24.- Cooperativa de viviendas - Housing co-operative
25.- Cuenta de ahorro vivienda - Housing savings account with special tax benefits
26.- Derecho de tanteo - Right of first refusal
27.- Derecho de retracto - Right of repurchase
28.- Desahucio - Eviction
29.- División horizontal - Official document to describe division pf property between different owners
30.- Documento privado - Private document
31.- Documento público - Public document
32.- Escritura - Deeds
33.- Escritura pública de compraventa - Title deeds
34.- Euribor Official - Euro Interbank offered interest rate
35.- Fianza - Deposit
36.- Finca - Estate
37.- Folleto informativo - Information leaflet/brochure
38.- Gestoría - Firm specialised in obtaining official authorisations, permits, licences etc
39.- Gestoras de cooperatives - Firm specialised in obtaining official paperwork in relation to housing co-operatives
40.- Hipoteca - Mortgage in Spain
41.- Hipotecar - to mortgage
42.- Hipoteca de inversión - Endowment mortgage
43.- Hipotecable - Mortgageable
44.- IBI Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles - Spanish yearly property tax or Council Tax
45.- Impuesto sobre actos jurídicos documentados - Legal documentation tax
46.- Impuesto sobre el Incremento del Valor de Terrenos - Tax on the increase of land value
47.- Impuesto sobre el patrimonio - Capital gains tax Spain
48.- Inmobiliaira - Estate agent
49.- IVA Vivienda - Property VAT
50.- Libre de cargas - Free of debts
51.- Libro del edificio - Documents handed over by the promoter when a building is finished
52.- Licencia de obra - Building permission
53.- N.I.E. - NIE
54.- Notario - Notary
55.- Nota simple registral - Certificate from a property register
56.- Novación - Renegotiation of mortgage terms
57.- Obra Nueva - Document certifying a brand new building
58.- Oferta vinculante - Bank document certifying the exact mortgage conditions
59.- Pago en efectivo - Cash payment
60.- Parcela - Plot of land
61.- Piso - Flat
62.- Poder - Power of attorney
63.- Préstamo con techo - Loan with variable interest rates with a fixed minimum and maximum
64.- Préstamo cualificado - VPO Special loan given only for the purchase of low-cost housing
65.- Préstamo hipotecario - Mortgage loan
66.- Plusvalía Municipal - Capital gains tax on the sale of property
67.- Proindiviso - Co-ownership, when a property has more that one owner
68.- Promotor - Property developer
69.- Registro de la propiedad - Property Registry
70.- Representante fiscal - Official tax representative
71.- Residencia (permiso) - Residency permit
72.- Residente - Resident
73.- Segunda vivienda - Second home
74.- Seguro multirreisgo hogar - Household insurance
75.- Se alquila - For rent
76.- Se vende - For sale
77.- Seguro de amortización de préstamos - Loan repayment insurance
78.- Señal Deposit - Down payment
79.- Subvención - Subsidy
80.- Superficie útil - Useable square metres in a property
81.- Tasación Independent - Valuation of property
82.- Terreno - Plot of land
83.- Tipo de interés - Interest rate
84.- Tipo sustitutivo de referencia - Substitution of the official interest rate - for example the euribor
85.- Titulo de propiedad - Deeds stating the ownership of property, date of sale etc...
86.- Valor catastral - Registered value of land
87.- Verificación - Verification
88.- Vivienda de Protección Oficial (VPO) - Low-cost housing subsidised by the state